#Everthingbuttheelote mushroom fritter I'm not gonna lie it was the bomb and I basically ate the whole thing myself.
It was savory with a nice kick of spice. I ate it for lunch, dinner and breakfast accompanied with a nice spinach kale side salad. Lol my son and his cousin some how managed to get a sliver and said it was delicious. I hope you like it too.
8 eggs
1/2 cup Almond milk
2 tsp Sea moss
In separate bowl
Chop Scallions and Cilantro to your liking
Season in separate bowl
2 cups of sliced mushrooms Every thing but Elote seasoning & Red pepper flakes to taste
In a 9inch unbaked pie crust layer mushrooms in pie crust then sprinkle chopped scallions & cilantro and pour egg mixture over it all.
Bake at 360 for 45mins or til top is brown and egg is firm.
* These are rough measurements since I usually don't use measurements